Wednesday, November 14, 2007

MP2 Calendar

MP2 Calendar

11/18 - 11/24
Finalize floor plan. Draw sectional detail drawing. Contact mentor. Update WebBlog. Log sheet due 11/23.

11/25 - 12/1
Draw roof plan. Contact mentor. Update WebBlog.

12/2 - 12/8
Draw foundation plan. Draw landscape plan. Contact mentor. Update WebBlog.

12/9 - 12/15
Draw 3-D drawings/renderings if all other drawings are complete. Make a schedule of finish materials for all exterior and interior surfaces. Contact mentor. Update WebBlog.

12/16 - 12/22
Finalize all drawings and schedule of finish materials. Contact mentor. Update WebBlog.
Developmental work due 12/19. Bid process due 12/19.

12/23 - 12/29
Contact mentor. Update WebBlog.

12/30 - 1/5
Start math and science analysis. Contact mentor. Update WebBlog.

1/6 - 1/12
Begin construction on final model. Prepare for formal progress update. Make outline for presentation. Contact mentor. Update WebBlog. Math and science analysis due 1/10.

1/13 - 1/19
Begin construction on final model. Contact mentor. Update WebBlog. Formal progress update (presentation) on 1/17.

1/20 - 1/28
Prepare mentor contacts. Prepare formal report to mentor about all progress (midterm exam). Contact mentor. Update WebBlog. Marking period ends 1/28. Mentor contacts due 1/23.


CM said...

On Friday, my floor plan was finalized. I will be sending a scanned image of it to my mentor for his input. Next week I will begin my sectional detail drawing.

CM said...

Today I attended a TSA leadership conference, so I was not in class. Tomorrow I will send my mentor my floor plan and begin my sectional detail drawing. I will have to manage my time efficiently next week in order to make up for the lost day.

CM said...

My floor plan has been sent to my mentor. He gave me the okay to continue work, however after talking to my Computer Aided Design instructor from sophomore year, I have decided to rearrange the order in which I make my drawings. I will be designing my roof plan next, followed by the front elevational view, and then the sectional detail drawing. I will be taking out a computer this weekend to try and complete all of this work.

CM said...

Today I will be finishing up my roof plan. Yesterday, I borrowed a computer from my school's media center so that I can hopefully accomplish a lot of work this weekend.

CM said...

Yesterday I finished my roof plan and I am now working on my sectional detail drawing.

CM said...

My sectional detail drawing is still underway. I should be finishing it up next week. I will then proceed to draw an elevational view.

CM said...

Yesterday, I borrowed a laptop from the media center so that I could work on my project outside of school. My sectional detail drawing will hopefully be completed by tonite or tomorrow. After the drawing is complete I will begin my front elevational view.

CM said...

My sectional detail drawing was completed last week and I began my elevational view drawing. I also finished the bid process. I inquired three companies for balsa wood sheets.(1/8" Thick, 4" Wide, 36" Long)

I will be working on the elevational view tonight, since I have taken out the laptap from the media center again. I will also be completing my supply list, material list,tool and equipment list tonight, and my plan of procedures.

CM said...

Last night, I finished the front elevational view of the house. I have also completed the supply list, material list, tool and equipment list. Today I have to complete my plan of procedures, door schedule, window schedule, and room finish schedule.

CM said...

Today I borrowed a laptop from the media center to work on my project over winterbreak. I will hopefully get a majority of my drawings completed. I will also be contacting my mentor to assist me with my drawings.

CM said...

This week I will continue working on my drawings and I will also be starting my math and science analysis.

CM said...

Today I will be taking out a computer from the media center to work on my drawings over the weekend. I will also be working on my project's math and science analysis.

CM said...

Over the weekend, I finished two more elevational views of my final solution. Yesterday, I discussed my developmental work with my mentor. The meeting was very successful and I now have many improvements that I can make with my drawings. The past few days, I have been working on my math and science analysis. After I complete it tonight, I will work on improving my drawings and beginning new ones.

CM said...

This week I have been updating all of the improvements my mentor made to my drawings. After I finish these improvements, I will scan printed out drawings in the media center and convert them to JPEGS. I will then post the images on my WebBlog.

CM said...

Last night, I finished all of my elevational views. Today I presented my developmental work to my class in my marking period two formal progress update. I also contacted my mentor concerning a foundation and landscape plan, and I will hopefully hear back from him soon.

CM said...

Yesterday, I met with my mentor to discuss my foundation and landscape plan. Overall, my mentor said that these plans were very easy to develop and drew an example of each plan. I will begin working on these plans Friday. As of right now, I am compiling my mentor update.

CM said...

Today I finished my formal report update to my mentor. Tomorrow I will be finishing up my last two architectural drawings: landscape plan and foundation plan.